Eclipses 2022

In 2022, there will be four eclipses: two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses

Date Type Visibility
30 April 2022 Partial solar eclipse Not visible in Belgium
16 May 2022 Total lunar eclipse Partially visible in Belgium
25 October 2022 Partial solar eclipse Visible in Belgium as a partial eclipse
8 November 2022 Total lunar eclipse Not visible in Belgium

I – 30 April 2022 – Partial solar eclipse, not visible in Belgium

Phase Universal Time Longitude Latitude
Eclipse begins 18h45.3 151 10 W 68 12 S
Maximum of the eclipse 20h41.7 071 37 W 62 05 S
Eclipse ends 22h38.0 077 07 W 25 07 S

Magnitude of the eclipse: 0.640, the diameter of the solar disk being taken as the unit.

The map below shows the region where the eclipse is observable. The explanation of the codes used can be found at the bottom of the page.


II – 16 May 2022 – Total lunar eclipse, partially visible in Belgium

Phase Universal Time Longitude Latitude Position angle
Altitude at Uccle/Ukkel
Penumbral eclipse begins 01h30.7 025 13 W 18 47 S 100 +10
Partial lunar eclipse begins 02h27.6 038 53 W 18 58 S 95 +10
Total lunar eclipse begins 03h28.7 053 35 W 19 11 S 78 +3
Moonset at Uccle/Ukkel 03h48.8 058 24 W 19 15 S 60 0
Maximum of the eclipse 04h11.5 063 52 W v 19
Total lunar eclipse ends 04h54.3 074 10 W 19 28 S 321
Partial lunar eclipse ends 05h55.5 088 52 W 19 41 S 304
Penumbral eclipse ends 06h52.3 102 31 W 19 52 S 299

The longitude and the latitude refer to the point on Earth where the Moon is at that time at its zenith. The position angle is defined from the imaginary line that connects the center of the lunar disc to the center of the Earth’s shadow. It is measured at the center of the lunar disc, from the North, in an anti-clockwise direction. At the beginning and at the end of the penumbra and shadow phases, it is the position angle of the contact point. The altitude and times of the Moon’s rise and fall are calculated for its center, without taking refraction into account.

Magnitude of the eclipse: 1.419, the diameter of the solar disk being taken as the unit.

The map below shows the region where the eclipse is observable. The explanation of the codes used can be found at the bottom of the page.

III – 25 October 2022 – Partial solar eclipse, visible in Belgium as a partial eclipse

Phase Universal Time Longitude Latitude
Eclipse begins 08h58.3 019 35 W 66 34 N
Maximum of the eclipse 11h00.4 076 59 E 61 33 N
Eclipse ends 13h02.3 066 48 E 17 36 N

Magnitude of the eclipse: 0.862, the diameter of the solar disk being taken as the unit.

The map below shows the region where the eclipse is observable. The explanation of the codes used can be found at the bottom of the page.

Phases in Uccle/Ukkel – Brussels (Observatory)

Phase Universal Time Position angle relative to the pole Position angle relative to the zenith Altitude at Uccle/Ukkel
First contact 09h09min34s 350 13 +21
Maximum of the eclipse 10h04min21s 37 51 +25
Last contact 11h00min52s 82 87 +27

Magnitude of the eclipse: 0.301, the diameter of the solar disk being taken as the unit.

The position angle relative to the pole, resp. the zenith, is the angle formed by the direction of the centre of the lunar disc with the direction of the pole, resp. the zenith. Both angles are measured at the centre of the solar disc in an anti-clockwise direction. At the beginning and at the end of the eclipse, they correspond to the position angles of the contact points.

The altitude of the Sun is that of a reference point, which is located during the eclipse in the eclipsed part of the Sun, and which coincides with the times of contact with the point of contact of the Sun and Moon. Refraction is not taken into account.

Visibility in Belgium

The table below gives the phases for some representative Belgian sites.

In Brussels and Wallonia:

Location Begin in universal time Maximum in universal time End in universal time Magnitude
Brussels 09h09min30s 10h04min19s 11h00min53s 0.302
Nivelles/Nijvel 09h09min50s 10h04min23s 11h00min41s 0.298
Jodoigne/Geldenaken 09h09min42s 10h04min57s 11h01min57s 0.306
Tournai/Doornik 09h09min48s 10h03min20s 10h58min35s 0.286
Mons/Bergen 09h10min02s 10h04min02s 10h59min45s 0.290
Charleroi 09h10min06s 10h04min37s 11h00min51s 0.296
Chimay 09h10min37s 10h04min37s 11h00min21s 0.288
Philippeville 09h10min25s 10h04min49s 11h00min58s 0.293
Namur/Namen 09h10min03s 10h05min04s 11h01min48s 0.302
Dinant 09h10min20s 10h05min13s 11h01min49s 0.299
Gedinne 09h10min44s 10h05min23s 11h01min44s 0.295
Huy/Hoei 09h10min00s 10h05min29s 11h02min41s 0.308
Liège/Luik 09h09min51s 10h05min48s 11h03min28s 0.314
Werbomont 09h10min13s 10h06min04s 11h03min37s 0.311
Eupen 09h09min55s 10h06min20s 11h04min29s 0.319
Saint Vith/Sankt Vith 09h10min23s 10h06min37s 11h04min34s 0.315
Marche-en-Famenne 09h10min24s 10h05min44s 11h02min47s 0.304
Bastogne/Bastenaken 09h10min44s 10h06min17s 11h03min33s 0.305
Libramont 09h10min51s 10h05min56s 11h02min43s 0.299
Bouillon 09h11min00 10h05min37s 11h01min57s 0.293
Virton 09h11min21s 10h06min17s 11h02min55s 0.295
Arlon/Aarlen 09h11min12s 10h06min33s 11h03min36s 0.301

In Flanders:

Location Begin in universal time Maximum in universal time End in universal time Magnitude
Veurne 09h09min09s 10h02min20s 10h57min16s 0.285
Ostende/Oostende 09h08min57s 10h02min33s 10h57min54s 0.291
Bruges/Brugge 09h08min58s 10h02min55s 10h58min36s 0.294
Poperinge 09h09min27s 10h02min29s 10h57min15s 0.282
Courtrai/Kortrijk 09h09min30s 10h03min06s 10h58min27s 0.288
Gand/Gent 09h09min12s 10h03min32s 10h59min37s 0.298
Audenarde/Oudenaarde 09h09min29s 10h03min28s 10h59min13s 0.293
Grammont/Geraardsbergen 09h09min35s 10h03min50s 10h59min49s 0.295
Alost/Aalst 09h09min21s 10h03min56s 11h00min14s 0.300
Saint-Nicolas/Sint-Niklaas 09h09min04s 10h03min57s 11h00min35s 0.305
Malines/Mechelen 09h09min16s 10h04min23s 11h01min15s 0.307
Anvers/Antwerpen 09h09min00s 10h04min13s 11h01min11s 0.309
Essen 09h08min42s 10h04min11s 11h01min26s 0.314
Turnhout 09h08min55s 10h04min48s 11h02min25s 0.317
Geel 09h09min08s 10h04min55s 11h02min26s 0.315
Neerpelt 09h09min05s 10h05min23s 11h03min25s 0.322
Hasselt 09h09min27s 10h05min24s 11h03min05s 0.316
Tongres/Tongeren 09h09min40s 10h05min37s 11h03min18s 0.315
Maaseik 09h09min17s 10h05min51s 11h04min09s 0.324
Louvain/Leuven 09h09min28s 10h04min42s 11h01min40s 0.307
Diest 09h09min22s 10h05min03s 11h02min29s 0.313

IV – 8 November 2022 – Total lunar eclipse, not visible in Belgium

Phase Universal Time Longitude Latitude Position angle Altitude at Uccle/Ukkel
Penumbral eclipse begins 08h00.6 125 44 W 16 15 N 77
Partial eclipse begins 09h08.9 142 16 W 16 29 N 82
Total eclipse begins 10h16.3 158 35 W 16 42 N 102
Maximum of the eclipse 10h59.2 168 57 W 16 51 N 157
Total eclipse ends 11h42.0 179 20 W 17 00 N 213
Partial eclipse ends 12h49.4 164 22 E 17 13 N 233  
Penumbral eclipse ends 13h57.8 147 48 E 17 27 N 238

The longitude and the latitude refer to the point on Earth where the Moon is at that time at its zenith. The position angle is defined from the imaginary line that connects the center of the lunar disc to the center of the Earth’s shadow. It is measured at the center of the lunar disc, from the North, in an anti-clockwise direction. At the beginning and at the end of the penumbra and shadow phases, it is the position angle of the contact point. The altitude and times of the Moon’s rise and fall are calculated for its center, without taking refraction into account.

Magnitude of the eclipse: 1.364, the diameter of the solar disk being taken as the unit.

The map below shows the region where the eclipse is observable. The explanation of the codes used can be found at the bottom of the page.


The codes used on the maps to indicate the moon eclipse visibility are: entry into the darkness is visible in regions 1 to 6, entry into the darkness in regions 2 to 7, the beginning of the totality in regions 3 to 8. The exits of the totality, the shadow and the penumbra are respectively observable in regions 4 to 9, 5 to 10, and 6 to 11. In region 6, the entire eclipse can be observed, in regions 5 to 7 the umbral phases are observable; in regions 4 to 8 the totality is fully visible.

On solar eclipse visibility maps, the following codes are used:

“P”: Partial eclipse of the Sun, visible.
“p”: Partial eclipse of the Sun, partly visible.
“R”: Annular eclipse, whose annular phase is fully observable.
“r”: Annular eclipse, whose annular phase is partially observable.
“T”: Total eclipse, whose totality phase is fully observable.
“t”: Total eclipse, whose totality phase is partially observable.

The basic data used to write the eclipse chapter were borrowed from the DE405 digital integration, kindly provided by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. To move from Terrestrial Time (TT) to Universal Time (UT), the following provisional relationship was used:

UT = TT – 69.0 s