Geographical coordinates of our sites

Royal Observatory of Belgium at Uccle

Latitude 50° 47′ 52″ North(*1)
Longitude 0h 17m 25,947s east of Greenwich(*1)
Longitude 4° 21′ 29,20″ east of de Greenwich(*1)
Altitude 104,90 m

These coordinates correspond to the centre point of the meridian circle (Askania).
The prime meridian of the base map of Belgium is located at 2.259 s(*2) east of the prime meridian of Uccle.

Radioastronomical station of Humain (Marche-en-Famenne)

Latitude 50° 11′ 30,7″ North(*3)
Longitude 0h 21m 1,29s east of Greenwich(*3)
Longitude 5° 15′ 19,4″ east of Greenwich(*3)
Altitude 293,07 m


GNSS stations in Belgium

Voir la page de la section GNSS (GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System).

Seismic network in Belgium

Voir la page du service Séismologie-Gravimétrie

(*1)Value adopted by the “Bureau International de l’Heure” with effect from 1er January 1968.

(*2)Value communicated in June 1974 by the Director General of the Military Geographical Institute. The starting meridian of the base map of Belgium (formerly the staff map of Belgium) originally corresponded to the centre of the Gambey meridian telescope at the former Brussels Observatory.

(*3)Astronomical coordinates of the Laplace point, measured in 1959.